
Instant Tomato Soup

Tomato soup is one of those meals that is almost always a favorite comfort meal. Unfortunately, canned soups are full of surprise ingredients (the same amount of sugar as a Snicker’s bar! Half the recommended sodium for an entire day in one cup! Cans with BPA lining!). As delicious as homemade soup is, not everyone has a crockpot or the list of ingredients on hand (or maybe you just need tomato soup RIGHT. NOW.). Thankfully, we’ve got an answer for you. With a couple of Premier Research Lab products on hand and a little warm water, you’ve got yourself maybe the easiest meal in the world.

Serves one.
2 tablespoons of Premier Tomato Concentrate
1 teaspoon of Premier Nutritional Yeast Flakes
1 teaspoon of Premier Olive Oil (optional – but recommended!)
A pinch of Premier Pink Salt
1 cup warm water

Mix all ingredients, stirring well. Acquire a blanket and curl up to enjoy! (Netflix is optional but may we recommend one of these documentaries? We especially like “Forks over Knives”, “Food Inc,” and “Jiro Dreams of Sushi”.)