
Hate the Gym?

This article, written by Mireille Guiliano (famed for her book French Women Don’t Get Fat) explores a few easy ways to move more without hitting the gym.

It suggests ridding of the “No Pain, No Gain” attitude to exercising and instead, making movement an integral part of our days.   It is an ongoing suggestion I give my clients to find an activity that they enjoy!

Here are the steps below or read the full article here:

  1. Don’t save your steps, multiply them!
  2. Incorporate simple resistance movements into your daily routine.
  3. Take care of your core.
  4. Acquaint yourself with small to moderate free weights (3-5 lbs).
  5. Get en vélo. (Get on a Bike!)
  6. Yoga.
  7. Vive l’escalier! (Take the Stairs!)