Ancestry DNA / 23andME DNA Evaluation
Many of us have looked at our genetics to find our heritage and roots; others of us also got genetic testing to see if we have a predisposition to a health condition or disease such as an autoimmunity or cancer.
Genetic variants are a variation from normal and therefore will not function at a normal rate. This means that the enzymes encoded by the genes that you inherited (one from mom and one from dad) are functioning at less than, or greater than optimum, causing an imbalance in your body chemistry, symptoms and health.
If one of the genes from your parents (mom or dad) is a variant, it is yellow on your report and is called heterozygous. The function of a heterozygous variant is reduced by about 30%, which means it only functions at about 70% of normal. If both of the genes from your parents are variants, it is red on your report and is called homozygous. The function of a homozygous gene can be reduced by as much as 70%, which means it only functions as little as 30% of normal. When there are no genetic variants present from either parent, it is white on your report and should and can be function at 100%; however, we know that stressors from our diet, lifestyle and the environment can hurt or change “good” genes. Thus, even the genes that are white may be damaged and may not be expressing optimally.
Homozygous and heterozygous variants as well as damaged good genes can affect how your body functions and may lead to imbalances. “Specific supportive nutrition” can help to support the imbalances you were born with. Since your genes do not change, your supplement program stays fairly consistent and is suggested for long term. This program will support your genes functioning closer to a normal rate.
Our software will translate your raw DNA data and reveal these hetero- and homozygous genes that can help us insight into your health, including energy production, oxidative stress, diver detoxification, histamine metabolism, cardiovascular health, all leading to methylation.
Click here for a sample report.